Malagasy best artist and best sportsman of 2015

Voted by the Midi Madagasikara newspaper readers, web surfers and facebookers to be the best artist of the year is Gangstabab because of his hit “Ianao iny”. Best sportsman of the year is Séverin Mamonjisoa Kick Boxer World Champion of 2015. Yeah baby!!!
Gangstabab is one of those inspiring young people who constantly want to excel in everything they do. He managed to create something good (well, amazing!) out of his passions : music and “kabary”. Kabary is an oral tradition in malagasy culture that consists in public discourse beautified with proverbs, humour, figure of speeches and basically fancy words. It’s quite an art and people excelling on kabary have studied and practiced it a lot… or they’ve had a very good mentor!
Faniry Alban Rakotoarisoa AKA Gangstabab is also an actor and TV host and is very active in the show business industry. He also won the 2014 Malagasy best artist. He is known for his provocative and direct speech in his songs as well as in his new political career.
Now for Séverin Mamonjisoa, his biggest title on 2015 that got him elected as sportsman of the year is the ISKA World Belt. He won it in Sotchi Russia by beating the Russian Zurab Faroyan. Do we need to say more? Well maybe explain a little that ISKA stands for International Sports Karate Association. ISKA sanctions combat sports such as MMA, Kickboxing, and Sport Karate in over 50 countries world wide. This will give you an idea of how big this title means for Séverin and for the entire country of Madagascar.
Séverin has previously dominated the african kickboxing world. Before that, he already won title in the Indian Ocean area and is a six time national champion in Madagascar. And get this, he is only 21 years old. Whaaat?
Discover below in photos the awards ceremony that took place in #MidiMadagasikara ‘s locals at Ankorondrano Antananarivo. It was cozy and simple but we got a live performance of the hit “Ianao iny” by Gangstabab and the spicy Narindra 2.0. Of course, everybody got the chance to take pictures with Séverin…with the badass raised fists pose.
The winners of the Midi Madagasikara Artist and Sportsman of the year contest also got loads of cash and a DVD of the single “Ianao Iny” courtesy of Gangstabab. And there was lots and delicious malagasy food.
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