Travel terms and expressions

Before traveling to a foreign country, it is always good to know few expressions that can help us out when needed.
Madagascar is no exception. Better yet, by speaking Malagasy, or at least try to speak it, will immediately attract the sympathy of your local contacts.
Here are some terms used in everyday life.
One of the first expression you will see is “Welcome!” or “Tonga soa!” (pronounced tungasu).
To say “Thank you!”, it is “Misaotra!” (pronounced misotcha).
Following are some usual malagasy expressions.
English | Malagasy |
I | Izaho |
We | Isika |
You (familiar) | Ianao |
You (singular) | Ianao |
You (plural) | Ianareo |
They | Ry zareo |
English | Malagasy |
Hello | Manahoana |
Goodbye | Veloma |
Good night | Tafandria mandry |
I just know few words in malagasy | Tsy mahay miteny gasy loatra aho |
What’s your name? | Iza no anaranao? |
Nice to meet you! | Faly mahafantatra! |
How do you do? | Manahoana ny fahasalamana? |
How are you? | Manahoana ianao? |
Good, Very good, Bad | Tsaratsara, tsara indrindra, tsy metimety |
See you later | Mandrapihaona |
Mister, Madam, Miss | Ramose, madama, ramatoakely |
Thanks, Thanks a lot | Misaotra, Misaotra betsaka |
English | Malagasy |
My name is | Ny anarako dia… |
I live … | Izaho dia mipetraka any … |
I am American/Canadian | Izaho dia amerikana/ kanadiana |
My passeport number is | Ny laharan’ny pasipaoroko dia… |
I am an office worker | Miasa amin’ny birao aho |
I am here on vacation | Manao vakansy aty aho |
We are four | Efatra izahay |
English | Malagasy |
Wife, spouse | Vady |
Husband | Vady |
Daughter | Zanaka vavy |
Son | Zanaka lahy |
Mother, Mum | Reny |
Father, Pup | Ray |
Friend | Namana |
English | Malagasy |
Where is the airport? | Aiza ny aeropaoro? |
Where is the hotel? | Aiza ny hotely? |
Where is the beach? | Aiza ny morondranomasina? |
Train | Masinina |
Car | Fiara |
Taxi | Taxi |
Left, right | Ankavia, ankavanana |
Straight | Mahitsy |
Round-trip | Mandroso-miverina |
Is it far? | Lavitra eto ve? |
Is it near? | Akaiky eto ve? |
In a restaurant
English | Malagasy |
A table for four, please. | Latabatra ho ana olona efatra, azafady. |
I would like to order… | Mba anaovy …azafady |
I would like a glass of whiskey/ water | Mba anaovy verana whisky / rano, azafady |
A glass of juice | Mba anaovy verana ranom-boankazo azafady |
Where is the washroom? | Aiza ny kabone? |
Please waiter! Please madam! | Azafady ramose! Azafady madama! |
What is this? | Inona ito? |
Bread | Mofo dipaina |
Fruits and vegetables | Voankazo sy legioma |
Meat | Hena |
Fish | Trondro |
Seafood | Hazan-dranomasina |
Water, fruit juice | Rano, ranom-boakazo |
Enjoy! | Mazotoa homana! |
Tea, coffee | Dite, kafe |
Beer | Labiera |
White wine, red wine | Divay fotsy, divay mena |
How much? | Ohatrinona ny vidiny? |
The bill please! | Ny fakitiora azafady |
Usual expressions
English | Malagasy |
Yes/No | Eny/ Tsia |
Please | Azafady |
You are welcome. | Tsy misy fisaorana |
Pardon me! | Azafady |
What time is it? | Amin’ny firy izao? |
It is two o’clock/ three/ four/ five/ six/ seven/ eight/ nine/ ten/ eleven/ twelve | Amin’ny roa ora/ telo / efatra / dimy / enina / fito / valo / sivy / folo / raikambifolo / roambifolo |
How much is it? | Ohatrinona ito? |
Help me please! | Mba ampio aho azafady! |
Could you help me? | Afaka manampy ahy ve ianao? |
Where can I find a phone? | Aiza no misy telefaonina? |
What do you like most? | Iza no tianao? |
How to say that in malagasy? | Ahoana no fiteny an’izany amin’ny teny gasy? |
Where can I find a nice restaurant? | Aiza no misy hotely tsara azo isakafoanana? |
Where can I find a taxi? | Aiza no misy taxi? |
What are we going to do? | Inona no hataontsika? |
Does someone speak english? | Misy mahay miteny frantsay ve? |
Please, speak slowly | Mba afaka miteny miadakadana ve azafady? |
Is there any hotel nearby? | Misy hotely ve aty akaiky aty? |
I do not understand | Tsy azoko izany |
I do not know | Tsy fantatro |
I do not agree | Tsy mety amiko izany |
English | Malagasy |
Zero, nul | Aotra |
One | Ray |
Two | Roa |
Three | Telo |
Four | Efatra |
Five | Dimy |
Six | Enina |
Seven | Fito |
Eight | Valo |
Nine | Sivy |
Ten | Folo |
Eleven | Raikambifolo |
Twelve | Roambifolo |
Thirteen | Teloambifolo |
Fourteen | Efatrambifolo |
Fifteen | Dimiambifolo |
Sixteen | Eninambifolo |
Seventeen | Fitoambifolo |
Eighteen | Valoambifolo |
Nineteen | Siviambifolo |
Twenty | Roapolo |
Twenty-one | Raikambiroapolo |
Thirty | Telopolo |
Fourty | Efapolo |
Fifty | Dimampolo |
Sixty | Enimpolo |
Seventy | Fitopolo |
Eighty | Valopolo |
Ninety | Sivifolo |
One hundred | Zato |
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